get drunk - GTA - Playstation 3 Cheats - Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheats

Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheats
Wenn ihr diesen Cheat Code für GTA 5 mit dem PS3 Controller  eingibt, dann seid ihr betrunken und torkelt durch Los Santos or Blaine County.
Cheat Code
triangle, right, right, left, right, square, circle, left
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Comments (2) on

There are 2 commente for "get drunk" on Just add a comment. With * marked fields are required for a comment to get drunk.
on: 11/11/2013
by: Rachmat Afriansyah
on: 12/26/2013
by: Stefany
yeaaahh ... I actually awyals wanted to write more than one article and started out most of the time with three or four .. then I ended up with one or none because of time constraints.
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get drunk isnt the correct gta cheat code you are looking for?
Use search to find yours.

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